Looking for a unique holiday present that will
give the gift of business joy all year long?


PATH provides a fun way to build business ecosystem thinking with beautiful nature images.


How about giving your nature-loving business friends
their own copy of The Game PATH?

Special holiday promotion
Buy 5, Get One Free!

Help them beat the winter doldrums by immersing in vibrant nature images so they can feel supported by Mountains, Forests, and Rivers even when you can't get out hiking or camping!

Individually packaged and shipped as a boxed set, you can give them away or keep them for your workshops and mastermind retreats!

As a gift, it allows your friends to unwrap their own intuitive wisdom and be more present to their success.

When playing together, I’ve seen group members become so enrolled in one another’s success they bubble up with support and specific resources to contribute to each other!

Ready to Share the Gift of PATH?