Clear Guidance on Your Next Steps
in 15 minutes of PLAY!
The Game PATH bundles the wisdom of Mountains, Forests, and Rivers into one playful box to bring you deep insights and clear guidance on your journey!
See What's in the Box!
Effortless Learning!
PATH was born as a visual means to build systems-thinking and entrepreneurial perspectives in a playful way. Along the way, you’ll reach beyond where intellect can take you and into the unmapped zone of intuition.
Each time you work with the major “suits” of Mountain, Forest, and River, you’re building metaphors for the Strategy, Systems, and Self expression in your business. Shuffling the tiles means you can’t “leave one out.” They’ll keep showing up in ways that make you think in new dimensions.
Just playing the different game modes regularly builds your habits of attention more than digging into masters programs in the fields behind the game.
Learning systems thinking
doesn’t mean you need to go enroll in an MBA program!
Games of Achievement and Avoidance
PATH is a game.
Games have goals, and feedback to let you know you’re moving closer to winning.
- In reality, we have the games we want to be playing: achieve sustainable success, achieve health and wellness, achieve conscious relationships.
- And we recognize the sabotage games our subconscious may be running: avoid vulnerability, avoid uncertainty, avoid deprivation.
Leaning into the intersection of systems thinking and intuition gives you perspective on both of these so you can make conscious choices to evolve in alignment with your intentions.
And as with business, there’s a short game and a long game.
- Each round of PATH provides insight, innovation, clarity. You stretch beyond mental comfort zones and habits. PATH draws you into self-Expansion as applied to Business Expansion.
- The long game in PATH is to achieve mastery to think and act with versatility across the ecosystem at multiple scales and perspectives. To become an evolutionary Leader.
When a group of people play PATH, it creates a shared language. What’s your view of the Mountains this quarter? How are you coming on the trees in the Forest we discussed last week?
Games also have rules. They create constraints that we engage with voluntarily to heighten the challenge. As Salen and Zimmerman say, the game design “creates a context to be encountered by a participant from which meaning emerges.” The culture of play opens more possibilities for inclusion and innovation.
Games have challenges. Your “competition” in PATH is the old model. The old you, last year’s strategy, the aspects of the world you aim to change. PATH helps you open to new thinking, starting from where you are now. You’re “playing against” expectations – your own and others – norms, and the status quo.
PATH moves beyond the zero-sum thinking of competitive board games. Your win needn’t imply another’s loss. In fact, quite the opposite! As you evolve, the game expands – for you, for your business, for your clients, and for your aspect of the economy receiving your gift.
Your challenge in the game stems from who you have taken yourself to be so far. Are you willing to listen to intuition? Are you willing to be clear? Are you willing to take action on what you hear? As you interpret your game results, can you recognize your own subconscious sabotage and resistance – and hear guidance to address it?
Just what kind of Strategic Transformation can you find on your PATH?
- Include all aspects of the ecosystem in your thinking more easily
- Build agility in shifting between different perspectives
- Get in the habit of going beyond your intellect in addressing challenges
- Create shared metaphors for your team and partners to communicate more clearly
Playing the game regularly changes the structure of your perception, the structure of your thinking – and that changes the game!
OK – Let’s PLAY!