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Your Business Vision Is Not All About You
Yes, your life is about you and the expression and experience your soul is having as you. But your business vision needs to be a wider perspective, more inclusive, more wholistic. Your business stems from you and who you are
Loving Attention to Your Tool Temple
The holidays are an odd time in business. Either you have something that can be gifted and you’re crazy-busy, or your prospects are totally distracted (or think they are) and you have a lull. So if the holidays are NOT
Balance Is A Blip
The moment of equinox, when day and night are perfectly balanced, is nothing more than a named moment in the continuous transition between seasons. The other named moments, summer solstice and winter solstice, are equally transient. Just because they’re named
Time Flows Differently In the Woods
The tent is set, with the ThermaRest inflating itself inside. The sun is still plenty high to explore the area! Clambering over the fallen tree as high as my knees, my fingertips grasp the deep grooves in the bark. How
Adding a Youtube Video to Your WordPress Page or Post
A one-click-trick makes embedding your video easy!
Insert a Picture into Your WordPress Post or Page
Clear and simple – how to add a picture to your WordPress post!
Adding a WordPress Post
Quick and direct – how to add a post to your WordPress blog!
5 ways to shift fear from inertia to action
Being an Adventurista teaches me to recognize my fears and lean into them, just like leaning into the rhythmic twists and turns on a canyon road. Everything I learn about my inner landscape through motorcycle touring comes into play every
Tension at the Big Top
Saturday I got the Tiger out of storage near Yosemite and headed over to San Jose to see Cirque du Soleil’s show “Amaluna.” I took some pictures of Le Grand Chapiteau from the outside, but of course no pictures are